When you take a photo, Instagram automatically tags it with certain information. Such as where you were when you took the photo, who was in the photo, and what the photo was about. Hiding the tagged photos can add a subtle layer of privacy to your Instagram experience. This article will show you how to hide the tag on your photos on Instagram. On Instagram, the tag is a small paragraph of text that tells a bit more about the photo.
Hiding photos from tags on Instagram is a great way to control who sees your photos in a feed. And also to ensure that spam followers don’t end up seeing your photos without your consent. If you’re new to Instagram, you may not be familiar with the tagging feature. When you upload a photo to Instagram, you have the option of adding a tag. Tagging is a way for others to find your photos.
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Why Do You Want To Hide Your Tagged Photos
We all have photos we don’t want other people to see. There are lots of reasons you may want to hide your tagged photos. Maybe you’re in a bikini, or in a compromising position, or you’re just not ready for others to see them. Maybe you want to save certain posts for just certain people, or you want to keep certain photos private. Whatever the reason, sometimes we don’t want people to see tagged photos on our page.
Hide Tag Photos on Instagram
- First of all, open your Instagram and tap on your account in the bottom right corner.
- Tap on the three stripes on the top right corner.
- Tap on settings and then tap on privacy settings.
- Under privacy settings go ahead and tap on posts. After that, tap on manually approve tags. Where you’ll be able to see your tagged photos.
- Now tap on edit and then select the photo you want to hide.
- To Hide tag photos go ahead and tap on ‘Hide.’
- At last tap on ‘Hide from profile.’
Unhide Tag Photos on Instagram
- For unhiding the post search for the account of the post’s owner.
- Now go to the post you were tagged in and tap on it. Then tap on your username and select ‘Show on My Profile.’
You can control who can tag you on Instagram. This means that you can choose whether or not people can tag you in photos or videos. It is a great way to hide content from specific friends or followers without blocking them from seeing your posts entirely. You can also set tags to public or private so that only people you’ve approved can see them.
Can my followers see my tagged photos on Instagram?
One of the unique features of Instagram is the ability to tag other users in posts. When a user is tagged in a post, they receive a notification informing them that they have been tagged. However, it depends on your visibility settings.
If your posts are public then anyone can see the photos and videos you’re tagged in. But if you made your posts private then confirmed followers can see photos and videos you’re tagged in.
Also Read: How To Repost A Reel On Instagram
Final Thought
Instagram users often find themselves in a situation where they don’t want to share their photos with a whole lot of people. Perhaps you don’t want anyone to see your vacation photos, or you want to keep your party pics away from your parents. Whatever the reason, there’s a simple way to hide tag photos from certain people. All you have to do is follow the steps above!